David Lehrer obituary: 75 years old man passes away in Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, CA The nation mourns the loss of Dr. David Lehrer, a distinguished environmentalist and educator from Los Angeles, California, who passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at the age of 75. Dr. Lehrers sudden demise has sent shockwaves not only through his family but also throughout the entire America at

Los Angeles, CA – The nation mourns the loss of Dr. David Lehrer, a distinguished environmentalist and educator from Los Angeles, California, who passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at the age of 75. Dr. Lehrer’s sudden demise has sent shockwaves not only through his family but also throughout the entire America at a Crossroads community and his broader circle of acquaintances.

Dr. Lehrer, an alumnus of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s Department of Geography and Environmental Development, was a revered figure in the field of environmental studies. He earned his doctorate and held a joint master’s degree in management science from Boston University and Ben-Gurion University, showcasing his dedication to education and academic excellence.

From August 2001 to August 2021, Dr. Lehrer served as the Executive Director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, where his leadership played a pivotal role in shaping environmental education and sustainable development initiatives. His contributions were not limited to the academic sphere; he was deeply involved in agriculture, education, and various community development projects. Dr. Lehrer’s expertise extended to the international arena, where he served as the Director of International Development. Additionally, he held the esteemed positions of General Secretary and Business Manager of Kibbutz Ketura and served twice as an envoy for the Jewish Agency of Israel in the United States.

Dr. Lehrer’s research encompassed critical environmental topics, including the effectiveness of the ISO 14001 environmental management system, sustainable development in the Dead Sea Basin, and the financial implications of nature conservation in Israel. His dedication to these issues made a lasting impact on the environmental community and inspired future generations of environmentalists.

In 2022, after completing his Sabbatical lectureship at Boston University, Dr. Lehrer reinstated his position as a lecturer and director of international development at the Arava Institute. Throughout his life, he remained an active member of the rural cooperative Kibbutz Ketura, having relocated to Israel in 1978. He is survived by his spouse, Barbara Pinsker, and their three daughters, Avigail, Ariana, and Meital.

Dr. Lehrer’s legacy as a passionate environmental advocate, educator, and community leader will continue to inspire and guide the ongoing efforts in environmental conservation and education. The nation extends its heartfelt condolences to his family and colleagues during this difficult time.

