BTB Savage was an American musical artist and rapper, he was born in Cleveland, Ohio, United States, and BTB Savage real name was Brian Thompson, BTB Savage birthdate is not revealed by the authorities as his name is in the latest death news.
BTB Savage Education – He attended Churchill High School in San Antonio, Texas, after he moved to Texas and got enrolled, and when BTB Savage age was around childhood, he played basketball in school and was not involved in music.
BTB Savage Career – After earning his high school degree the rapper discovered his interest in music, after which he ventured into the music industry where he accomplished considerable fame and fortune from BTB Savage song, but as there were not enough resources to pursue his dream career, he enlisted in the military to improve his financial circumstances and details about it are given in BTB Savage military section of this blog.
What Was The Age Of BTB Savage? – BTB Savage Age
At the time of BTB Savage death, American musical artist and rapper BTB Savage age was not disclosed by the police officials, but on the basis of his pictures from BTB Savage Instagram account, BTB Savage age was between 20 to 25 years old.
BTB Savage Murder – BTB Savage Death – BTB Savage Killed
BTB Savage News – According to BTB Savage wiki on Save Daughters, on Thursday, 30 March 2023, he was gunned down in River Oaks, Houston, in the evening hours, the incident took place only hours after he had mocked the robbers he killed in his home months ago. BTB Savage Death – Official reports confirmed that the victim BTB Savage cause of death was that he suffered fatal gunshot wounds in a coordinated ambush that occurred on San Felipe Street, he was parked on the side of the road in his white Mercedes Benz when a black Subaru pulled up beside him and two unidentified gunmen hopped out and unleashed a hail of bullets.
BTB Savage Murder – Through video footage that surfaced on social media, it was seen that his Mercedes-Benz had bullet holes all over the car and it is suspected that they may have been shot from several assault rifles. Before the incident, on BTB Savage Instagram, he was flaunting his icy wristwatch in a kitchenette smeared with dry blood and those pictures were possibly taken at the scene of a robbery gone horribly wrong at his home several months ago.
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