Not for nothing but this little hypocrite needs to REMEMBER how he gave 17 year old Karen drugs and tossed her up on the stripper pole. This was when he first came to Port Chuck and he took advantage of Karen bc she told him she was molested and he used it to woo her into stripping at his sleazy strip club then he got her hooked on drugs!
So he can spare me with anger over the drugged cup when he took advantage of a young girl and ruined her life.
Kristina is a grown woman Karen was young abused and naive.
First off …Karen was 18 .
Sonny was in his 20’s. He admitted how wrong he was and has kept drugs out of PC for decades because of his horrible mistake he made as a very young man.
That’s growth. Admit a wrong and change for the better.
She wasn’t 18 when he first met her and got her in his clutches she was 17. She turned 18 then he banged her in his sleazy upstairs apartment above the strip club.
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Sonny had a strip club?
Yes that’s how he was first introduced. He was just hired as a day player and then the s/l grew b’/c at that time Jagger was HUGE and Karen was his g/f with a secret and Sonny was the evil guy trying to take advantage of her. Sonny was the local sleaze bag back then.
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Yes, it was when he was first introduced to the show and they planned on him being a short term character. The audience loved him so, they kept him on. Over 25 years now.
To redeem him, Sonny swore off drugs and has kept PC drug free ever since.
To bring up what he did as a young 20 something has no relevance to what is going on with Shiloh a grown man that is drugging women to rape. Sonny never raped the girls who chose to work for him and he never hired under aged girls either.
centrd April 25, 2019, 2:01pm 7It’s also a great example of why EVERYONE can be redeemed on a soap and anyone who thinks not is delusional. In reality, Sonny is still a thug. He’s just cleaned himself up and the show now avoids showing what he really does for a living which is really bad stuff. There are no nice gansters in the world. The mob seriously hurts a lot of people with their illegal actions. That’s why they’re illegal. And they also kill a lot of people. That’s why even Molly knows about “Uncle Sonny” and the Pine Barrens.
He was only a few years older.

To bring up what he did as a young 20 something has no relevance to what is going on with Shiloh a grown man that is drugging women to rape. Sonny never raped the girls who chose to work for him and he never hired under aged girls either.
He wasn’t a 20’something he was in his early 30’s. And he has never taken responsibility for what he did to karen that is why Scott Baldwin hates him so much.
centrd April 25, 2019, 2:09pm 10You know, the writers could make Sonny a lot more relatable character if they’d have him recall his own actions against Karen when he was a young man and feel remorse for them. I still like Sonny because of MB, but I know a lot of people who don’t. They should have him constantly feeling remorse to make him more sympathetic. But instead, he goes off on these rages against people who are doing things that aren’t even as bad as he himself did/does, and it just makes him look like a hypocrite.
Also, the actor who plays Shiloh said that his character is all about consent, so the drug in the cup wasn’t there for him to rape her. Apparently it was there for her to not feel pain of the tattoo. It is a dense tattoo, which would cause some serious discomfort. I understand Sonny jumpinng to the wrong conclusion, yet it’s definitely hypocritical of him to do so. Unfortunately, that’s a mob boss’s credo. Everyone else is fair game, just don’t hurt MY family.
Oh, I keep thinking we are talking about what actually happens on the show…
As we KNOW…Sonny is in his mid/early 50’s and he’s been in PC almost 30 years so…the math adds up to being in his 20’s.
Sonny has indeed apologized , admitted being wrong and has done something about it. No drugs in PC.
Sonny went to prison for shooting AJ, I doubt Monica forgives him…
centrd April 25, 2019, 2:17pm 12Sonny was 28 when he first came on the show. Ten years older than Karen and already an experienced mobster. She was still a naive girl. They later changed his birthdate, making him 4 years younger. It’s time to change his birthdate back to closer to his own age. He looks older than 50 now.
I had forgotten that was why Scotty hated Sonny and his ilk.
I’ll just stick with the facts of the show. Not what I want to happen or try to change history.
Maurice is over 50 and is a very handsome man IMO.

Sonny has indeed apologized , admitted being wrong and has done something about it. No drugs in PC.
Please (if you can) tell me where he has apologized about what he did to Karen? My recollection is the total opposite that is why Scott continues to hate on him so much. I remember distinctly a scene on the pier years ago where Scott tore into him about Karen and Sonny took no responsibility and basically told Scott to STFU.
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centrd April 25, 2019, 3:37pm 15Facts ma’am, just the facts…
Wow! Digging up stuff that happened so long ago just to say something bad about Sonny! Alot of characters have bad stuff in their background, smh
Sonny is a mob boss.
There is BIG money in both drugs and girls.
Sonny doesn’t deal in either and doesn’t let any of the other families , in HIS town.
At the time Sonny had the strip club, Scott didn’t even know he had a daughter, so it was later that Sonny said he was sorry about his dealing with Karen.
While I don’t have the exact date, i’m not the poster who was changing dialog to fit their narrative.
I could care less if Sonny apologized or not.
It was decades ago, Sonny did more than apologize, he saved lives but not allowing it in Port Charles and if Scott doesn’t like it, he should do something about it.
Sonny doesn’t like how Shiloh is handling his daughter so he’s taking care of it.
centrd April 25, 2019, 6:45pm 19And I beleive in the Easter Bunny too. A top mob boss who doesn’t do drugs or traffic women. Too funny.
So if Sonny controls the Eastern Seaboard, and he doesn’t allow the other families to run drugs or humans, I wonder where all the drugs and people sold into sex slavery on the east coast are coming from then?